Archive: February 13, 2025

Kirriemuir Tattie Day 2025

Sat 22 Feb 11:00am ‐ 3:00pm Why not head along to Kirriemuir Town Hall and celebrate the humble tattie with us. Pick up your seed tatties from the experts at Potato House, and enjoy the array of food, stalls and activities happening throughout the day. As well as celebrating tatties, there will be market stalls,

Celebrating Angus food and drink at the Scotland Specialty food and drink show.

Appetite for Angus were so excited to take a group of our members to the Specialty Food Show at Scotland’s Trade Fairs in Glasgow thanks to Invest in Angus helping support this initiative with funding from their SME grant scheme. The tradeshow ran from 19th – 21st January at the SEC in Glasgow, and was