
Hello I’m Debbie, I’m an enthusiastic home cook. Cooking has always been my passion and my therapy. Until that passion was taken from me almost two years ago with a diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease. Was I shocked at the diagnosis – no. I have been dealing with symptoms to a varying degree since my early 20’s. Was I relieved with the diagnosis – absolutely not! At that time it really did feel like the beginning of the end, I was fearful of the disease and how ill it could and did make me.

I lost interest in cooking, “what’s the point?” I thought I would be eating bland colourless food forever. But over time that changed. I began to physically recover as my medications controlled my out of control immune system. This in turn allowed me to recover emotionally. I realised that this disease isn’t all of me it’s just a small part of me – I wanted to get back to the person I was pre-diagnosis. After a period of time my consultants said eat what you want and see how your body copes. I joined a programme in November last year that showcases the benefits of clean eating and mindfulness. I realised then that I could manage a lot of the food I thought would be a no no. As long as I kept the produce organic, cutting back on refined sugars, gluten and getting rid of processed foods completely. My love for cooking was able to begin again, this time it meant a whole lot more. It allowed me to gain a little control in terms of my condition – what I put in my body to fuel it was key. My page is a way to share the recipes; that I have adapted to suit my digestive system, with others. But it’s also a platform to raise awareness of this condition. People are now reaching out to me to share their own personal journeys – I hope it gives hope to those who need it as I did in those early days.

Join Debbie on her foodie adventures:

Facebook @crohnscookingandme

Instagram @crohnscookingme